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ValleyFest Spring 2014 “Sneak Peek”


ValleyFest will be returning to Jones Farm Park just in time for Mother”s Day on May 10th!

John Blue Realty will once again be Sponsoring ValleyFest in Jones Farm Park (adjacent to Lendon,) on Saturday, May 10th from 10AM-7PM.

Our 2014, spring festival will include arts, crafts, live music, performances, exhibitions, great food, and Historic Hayrides! Mr. Blue has made arrangements for this fun and unique way to tour Lendon while learning about the rich history of Jones Valley. The developers of Lendon and ValleyFest co-sponsors welcome you and your family to enjoy a fabulous day in the park as you explore and enjoy the spirit of our scenic community.

We are currently seeking sponsors. Please contact us as soon as possible at southhsv@southcivic.com for more information!

We will begin accepting applications for arts, crafts and merchant vendors on March 1st.